by Francetic Tax Resolution LLC | May 4, 2021 | Newsletter
People often assume American culture isn’t as rich as other cultures, but that simply isn’t true. Americans have developed unique values, mannerisms, art, music, and even languages across their diverse nation. One great example of this is Pennsylvania Dutch. The...
by Francetic Tax Resolution LLC | May 4, 2021 | Newsletter
Paying off debt and saving money are the building blocks of a healthy financial life, but the statistics are dire: One-third of Americans haven’t saved a single penny for retirement, 38% of households have credit card debt, and 44% don’t have enough cash saved to...
by Francetic Tax Resolution LLC | May 4, 2021 | Newsletter
Two months ago, Tiger Woods lost control of his SUV. It went off the road and rolled over, trapping the famous golfer inside. As soon as the story made the news, it put things in perspective about how fragile life can be, even for a famous person like Tiger. I was...